
Eurasiam is unique in Europe. It is the only school dedicated to the art of Asia and Japan. Eurasiam is not only training the first European mangakas, but also the central figures in 21st century cultural politics (editors, publishers, cultural managers, designers, publicists...)

Most importantly, Eurasiam provides a new vision of artistic education. Following the social, economic and cultural evolutions of the last twenty years, it is no longer possible to conceive of the creator as an isolated individual who acts solely according to his own imagination.

Today, the artistic endeavor must occur in an international environment. At Eurasiam, we believe that artistic activity should be organized in a sphere of exchange, as well as intellectual and cultural confrontation. It is essential to modify current artistic education in order to focus on more highly developed learning in terms of various cultures and forms of communication.

It is for these reasons that our program is based on the following three principles:

Placing creativity into an international context

Artistic activity cannot be regarded as a field disconnected from economic and social fact. Contrary to other institutions, we think that it is important to include artistic daring, creativity and capacity to communicate in the framework of the internationalization of exchanges, goods and people.

In today’s world, it is essential to maintain a dialogue with one’s surroundings. A creator is no longer confined to a specific territory. Rather, the creator must, like in other professions, be mobile and attentive to change.

Creativity and Management

Centered on the international market and Asia, Eurasiam is also characterized by the excellence of its education and its highly renowned professors: mangakas and graphic designers (Japanese in master class setting), communications managers... Our aim is to not only train new designers, but also cultural intermediaries and innovative leaders capable of managing intercultural teams and competing in an international market.

To achieve this goal, the program in Japanese Art and Communication is provided in a partnership with Japanese Management. This allows students to enrich their artistic studies with team and project management skills.

Training in Artistic and Cultural Exchanges

Technological innovations and labor market evolutions have profoundly modified the creative profession. Distinctions between operations, designers and artistic directors have been transformed. Today, it is of essence to be polyvalent: one must be able to manage a team as well as create alone, have skills to effectively lead a commercial project as well as a vast knowledge of design, be innovative as well as be able to structure an intercultural enterprise. This is why Eurasiam’s program is multifaceted and allows for wide professional mobility.

While our ambition is to be the principal breeding ground of European mangakas, our program also aims at training publishing executives, company managers, cultural critics, communications managers and publicists. Because professional activity takes place over a half century in a constantly changing world, our graduates must be polyvalent and operational managers in the cultural markets of Europe and abroad.

To study at Eurasiam is to make the choice to place one’s talent in an international framework and to become a central player in Asian-European relations for the next twenty years.

Formation s'inscrivant dans le cadre de l'article L902 du Code du Travail.